Thursday, April 1, 2010

and they live happily ever after...


dear my sweet fairies....finally i confessed with him last nite...i sent him a message through our social network page.. i also text him...guess what??

and they live happily ever after..
he maybe the prince charming, but i am not his cinderella..
he maybe the prince who kiss his sleeping princess, but i am not his sleeping beauty..
he maybe the prince with the seven dwarfs, but i am not his snow white..
he maybe the prince of the sea, but i am not his little mermaid..

it hurt so much...hurt so much..
we were not destined together...

biggest looser program-->quite loose these few days..maybe because im at my hometown..
work-->soalan final exam still tak siap kan lagi..tusyen batal..lecture batal..ptd exam?? later..

mR5--> i luv u..but now i realize, i hve to let you syg awak sgt2..apa yg sya sedang buat sekarang sy tetap teruskan demi awak...walaupun awk da takde lagi disisi...sebab saya akan teruskan impian dan cita2 saya..bila sya da berjaya saya akan bw nama awak sekali kerana sebab awak la sya jadi mcm ne..kalaw sya gagal, bermakna sya yg menggagalkan diri saya sendiri bukan coffe maker..your tea lady is so strong...

dearest my fairies...see this is my tale...u all tentu sedih kan...sebab tujuan utama blog ne dibuat semata-mata kerana janji antara mR5 dan misz C..tapi sekarang,mR5 keep ignoring misz C. whut should i say, this strong lady--> misz C akan tetap meneruskan misi ini---> S>O>L>O

countdown : 61 hari lagi...

kata-kata semangat--->misz C perlu sibukk2 kan diri selepas ini, byk kelas nk ganti, silibus kena habiskan before 10th may, tusyen, marking paper..test2,!! study!! study!! ok misz C memang cekal!! go!! go!! chayokk!! wink!! wink!!

p/s--->misz C dapat kawan baru yg sgt memahami, juz cal him DD...welcome to my life DD!! =P


  1. hi awak...

    thank you!

    i wanna be a part of your life...forever...

    “To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”



  2. welcome DD..lets colour diz tale wif me..come =)
